Zone 2 endurance training: losing weight made easy! | ATLETICA
So many people go jogging to lose a few pounds around their waist. In January in particular, the treadmills in almost all gyms are almost always full so that people can finally make their New Year's resolutions come true. But does endurance training really help you lose weight? Zone 2 endurance training in particular should be a real fat-burning boost for your metabolism. Is that really true? Basic endurance training (or zone 2 training) has even more to offer. In this post, you'll learn more about moderate endurance training and its effect on your body. By the end of the post, you'll understand what your endurance training should look like to effectively lose body fat. You can integrate this form of training directly into your training plan, whether you're a beginner or a professional.

What zones of endurance training are there?
Zone 1 (also called basic endurance):
In this restful zone, the heart rate is slightly increased. It is 50-60% of your maximum heart rate. Zone 1 is the basis for all other endurance zones. Start in this zone and try to choose an intensity at which you can maintain this heart rate above 30-45.
Zone 2 (also called basic endurance 2):
For a zone 2 endurance training, you train at a heart rate of 60-70% of your maximum heart rate. Energy is provided aerobically.Β This means your body uses more fats as an energy source.
You can also move in this zone as a beginner. You will exert yourself during your session, but you should still be able to hold a conversation. The longer you train in basic endurance 2, the faster you can run at the same heart rate and prepare yourself and your metabolism optimally for your first intervals. These are also highly recommended for professionals as a regenerative measure to control strain.
Infobox: There are various formulas to calculate your maximum heart rate. The most common is 220 minus your age. This way you can roughly calculate which endurance zone you are in. Many fitness trackers now offer this function, and they are usually correct.
Zone 3 (also called development area):
In the development zone, you train at 70-80% of your maximum heart rate. In doing so, you continue to develop your endurance. It is difficult to maintain this zone for long at the beginning. You can train in intervals to slowly guide your body into this zone. Inexperienced endurance athletes initially get their energy from carbohydrates and phosphates. Once your body gets used to this zone, you are ready for top performance.

Zone 4 (also called peak area):
80-90% of your maximum heart rate is the range in which you train for peak performance. Sprints, jumps and other intense, fast movements will get you into this range. A basic level of endurance is a basic requirement for this range.
Zone 5 (also called peak area 2):
When you train in this zone, you are between 90-100% of your maximum heart rate. This requires willpower. In zone 5, your body is at its absolute limit. Your body has little capacity to maintain this zone. You realize that you are giving it your all and that you need 1-2 days of recovery after such exertion.
Why should I train primarily in Zone 2?
As already mentioned, you burn more fat in zone 2 than in other endurance areas. To lose weight, you need a negative calorie balance. The calorie consumption of training sessions is determined by the duration and intensity. So if you train in zone 2, you won't burn as many calories, but the ratio of fat burning is better than with other workouts. The more often you train in the basic area, the higher your intensity will be (for example, running speed). This improves your fat metabolism with regular training. In addition, your sleep and other regenerative processes that are also indirectly involved in fat burning improve. A hard, strenuous workout is therefore not always the most effective. Anyone can start with zone 2 endurance training. So start your basic endurance training now if you are not already training in this area.

How do I best know when I am training in zone 2?
As long as you can still hold a conversation, the probability is very high that you are training at the right heart rate. Fitness trackers even calculate your maximum heart rate and show you your individual zone. However, you don't necessarily need a smartwatch or fitness tracker to see which heart rate zones you are training in. You can measure your pulse with two fingers on your wrist, for example. Count your heartbeats for 15 seconds and multiply them by 4. Start counting at 0. This way you can see how high your heart rate is without any aids.
What could my Zone 2 endurance training look like?
Every form of constant exertion has a reaction on your cardiovascular system. Which training you choose is individual. For beginners, zone 2 endurance training is usually cycling or a walk. For experienced athletes, it is jogging or a workout with consecutive exercises. Professionals achieve zone 2 endurance training with faster runs or intensive workouts, bike rides, etc.

Zone 2 endurance training has many positive effects on your body. A big advantage is improved fat metabolism. The prerequisite is that you regularly exercise at 60-70% of your maximum heart rate for a longer period of time (approx. 30-45 minutes) and constantly increase your intensity (e.g. running speed). There are also other heart rate zones. In order to train successfully in them, you need training experience.Β Furthermore, measuring lactate levels can help untrained people determine in which heart rate zones they should train for maximum fat loss.
In addition, you should do heavy weight training to build muscle and increase your basal metabolic rate. If you now eat healthily, nothing will stand in the way of your goal of burning fat.
Zone 2 endurance training is different for everyone. Cycling, jogging, workouts with consecutive exercises are common methods for basic endurance training. The more experienced you are, the more intense your endurance training sessions will be.
For your Zone 2 endurance training, we have treadmills, cross trainers and all kinds of training equipment on our website or in our showroom in Mainz. The great thing is that you can optimally control your training with our endurance equipment using heart rate sensors. So nothing stands in the way of your success. Feel free to talk to us about it. We're happy to help you!
Good luck with your Zone 2 endurance training!