Autogenic Training: Discover the Power of Inner Peace | ATLETICA

Stress, hectic pace and the challenges of everyday life – who doesn't long for a moment of peace? Autogenic training offers a simple and effective method of relaxing body and mind. With targeted mental exercises, you can reduce stress, increase your concentration and find a new feeling of serenity.

In this article, you will learn what the recovery technique involves, how it works and why it is a proven technique for more inner balance and well-being.

Sandbag: autogenic training

What is autogenic training?

Autogenic training is a scientifically based relaxation method that aims to put the body and mind into a state of calm and serenity. The term "autogenic" is derived from Greek and means something like "self-generated" - essentially it describes a technique in which relaxation is brought about through one's own imagination and self-influence.

This method was developed in the 1920s by the Berlin psychiatrist Johannes Heinrich Schultz and is based on the observation that people can induce physical relaxation reactions through targeted mental exercises. It combines elements from hypnosis, suggestion and physiological principles of relaxation.

The idea behind autogenic training

The relaxation method assumes that the body is closely connected to the mind. Stress, anxiety or inner restlessness not only affect our thoughts, but also physical processes such as muscle tension, heart rate or breathing. Conversely, we can positively influence these physical states through mental exercises.

The aim of this method is to achieve a holistic state of relaxation in which both the body and the mind regenerate. This is not just a short-term measure for managing stress, but a long-term tool that can be learned and has profound positive effects on physical and mental health.

The areas of application of autogenic training

Autogenic training is often used in different areas of life and for different target groups:

1. Stress management:
The method is particularly popular with people who suffer from chronic stress or everyday pressures. Regular use creates an inner calm that makes it easier to deal with stressful situations.

2. Health promotion:
Autogenic training can be used to support stress-related complaints such as tension headaches, back pain or gastrointestinal problems. It is also often recommended in psychosomatic medicine.

3. Sleep disorders:
People who have trouble falling asleep or have restless sleep benefit from the calming effect of exercise. It helps to clear the mind and prepare the body for periods of rest.

4. Performance improvement:
Athletes, musicians and people in demanding jobs use autogenic training to improve their concentration and mental strength. It promotes focus and can have a calming effect before important events.

5. Emotional stability:
In psychological contexts, such as anxiety disorders or depressive moods, the relaxation method is used to provide support. It helps to promote emotional balance and strengthen self-control.

dumbbell training

What makes autogenic training special?

Compared to other relaxation techniques such as yoga, meditation or progressive muscle relaxation, autogenic training is particularly accessible because it does not require any physical exercises or aids. It is purely mental and can therefore be practiced almost anywhere - whether in the office, at home or even on the go.

Autogenic training is a versatile method that is suitable for both everyday life and therapeutic purposes. It offers a simple but effective way to face the challenges of modern life, reduce stress and promote general well-being. Regular practice can bring about profound changes in the body and mind, leading to more calm, balance and resilience in the long term.

How exactly does this relaxation method work?

Autogenic training is a method of self-relaxation that is based on positively influencing physical and mental processes through targeted thoughts and ideas. It is based on self-suggestion, in which the user repeats certain formulaic sentences that induce states of relaxation in the body. In doing so, the body and mind are attuned to a deep state of calm.

Basic Principles of Autogenic Training

The relaxation method uses the close connection between mind and body to elicit physical reactions through mental exercises. This is done by:

  1. Concentration on your own body:
    The focus is on consciously perceiving certain body sensations such as heaviness, warmth or calm.
  2. Self-suggestion:
    With formulaic sentences such as β€œMy right arm is heavy” or β€œMy breathing is calm and even,” the subconscious is activated to elicit physical relaxation reactions.
  3. Repetition and routine:
    Through regular practice, the state of relaxation is achieved increasingly faster and easier.
abdominal exercises

The process of autogenic training

Autogenic training follows a clear structure of various exercises that are learned step by step:

  1. The basic level:
    The focus here is on physical relaxation. It includes six exercises that are introduced one after the other:
    • Heaviness exercise : β€œMy right arm is heavy.” This exercise relaxes the muscles.
    • Warmth exercise : β€œMy right arm is warm.” This exercise promotes blood circulation.
    • Breathing exercise : β€œMy breath flows calmly and evenly.” Breathing is harmonized.
    • Heart exercise : β€œMy heart beats calmly and strongly.” The heart activity is calmed.
    • Abdominal exercise : β€œMy stomach is pleasantly warm.” This exercise relaxes the organs.
    • Forehead exercise : β€œMy forehead is pleasantly cool.” This exercise provides mental clarity.

Each exercise is reinforced by repeating the corresponding suggestion until the desired effect occurs.

  1. The middle school:
    In this phase, individual formulas can be used to specifically address personal issues such as stress management, self-confidence or concentration. For example: β€œI feel calm and relaxed.”
  2. The upper level:
    The focus here is on meditative exercises and inner visualization. The goal is to gain deeper insights into your own subconscious and to strengthen self-awareness.

How does autogenic training affect the body?

  1. Physiological effect:
  • Relaxation of the muscles.
  • Reduction of heart rate and blood pressure.
  • Promote blood circulation.
  • Calming the breathing.
  1. Mental effect:
  • Reduction of stress and tension.
  • Increase the ability to concentrate.
  • Promoting calm and serenity.
  1. Long-term effect:
  • Improve sleep quality.
  • Strengthening emotional resilience.
  • Relief from stress-related complaints such as headaches or stomach problems.
strengthening abdominal muscles

How often should you practice?

Regularity is crucial to achieve the full effect of autogenic training. Beginners should practice for 5-15 minutes a day, preferably in a quiet environment where they will not be disturbed.

Autogenic training works through the targeted use of self-suggestion and the conscious perception of one's own body. With a little practice, it can quickly and effectively trigger relaxation reactions that both calm the mind and regenerate the body. It is a simple but extremely effective method that can be used anywhere and at any time.

Conclusion: More tips for sports, health and fitness in the Atletica blog

Would you like to learn more about topics such as training, relaxation and health? In the Atletica blog you will find a variety of helpful tips, instructions and inspiration on all aspects of fitness and wellbeing. Whether you want to optimise your training, discover new sports equipment or learn more about mental health - you will find what you are looking for here.