Securing your payment

Your payment is secure. No matter what happens.

Guaranteed buyer protection for every transaction

Your payment at ATLETICA is covered by insurance.

To secure your payment we use Trusted Shops

In which cases does buyer protection cover me?

The order does not arrive
The package was lost during shipping, was supposedly left with a neighbor or was simply left somewhere without permission.
Your refund will not be made
You have canceled and returned your order, but the shop has not refunded you.
The online shop is insolvent
After you placed your order, the online shop filed for bankruptcy or was no longer accessible for other reasons and you have neither received the goods nor a refund.
Lack of service
You have not received the service you ordered.
Invalid voucher
You ordered a gift voucher, but it doesn't work.
Problems with digital content
Digital content such as e-books or software licenses will not be sent to you or are not valid.
Warranty not honored
The online shop has promised a 5-year guarantee, but does not respond when a guarantee case occurs
Insurance invalid
You have taken out insurance but cannot use it.
Services not provided
Your contract, such as with your electricity provider, has started, but the service is not delivered.

Your money is always protected, regardless of the payment method or amount.
And of course free for all our customers.

SSL encryption:

Every visit and browsing on our website is encrypted with an SSL certificate.

Your address and payment details are encrypted to bank standards.


Orders with credit cards are secured by additional SMS verification.
We do not store customer payment information.